
染織史家 吉岡 幸雄
「日本の藍 ・ ジャパンブルー」



平成9年、東京地下鉄南北線溜池山王駅のJT提供装飾デザインアートウォールの装アートディレクターを務める。平成20年、成田国際空港第二ターミナル到着ロビーのアートディレクターをつとめる。 (グッドデザイン賞受賞) 

September 10 (Sunday) 13: 00-14: 30

"Ai in Japan - Japan Blue" Dyeing and Weaving historian Sachio Yoshioka

Description: Explore the history of Japanese traditional Indigo Dyes from the beginning of Japanese indigo to the end of Edo and all its beauty.


profile: Born in Kyoto city in 1951. He graduated from Waseda University's first literature department in 1964. Establishment of Art Book Publication "Shikosha”. http://www.artbooks-shikosha.com/

In 1983, it became the Fifth-generation Master Dyer and Color Historian “Textile dyer Yoshioka”. (Somenotsukasa Yoshioka in Japanese) has been operating in Kyoto ? an ancient capital city of Japan ? for five generations, since the late Edo Period in the 1800’s.
Together with the Dye Master “Denshi FUKUDA” to tackle the traditional Japanese colors. We will visit the events of old shrines in Nara and Kyoto and talk about the relation They have to weaving and dyeing. He served as art director of decorative design art wall of JT provided at Tameike Sanno station on subway Namboku line in 1997. He is an art director in the arrival lobby of Narita International Airport Terminal 2 in 2008. (Good design award winning) In 2009, received the Kyoto Prefectural Cultural Prize Achievement Award, the 22nd Kikuchi Hiroshi recipient, and the 24th NHK Broadcast Culture Award.

The main books are "Japanese Color Dictionary", "Color Dictionary of The Tale of Genji", "The Dictionary of the Dynasties of the Dynasty" (published by Shikosha), "Coloring Japanese Colors" (Iwanami Shoten), "Millennial Color" (PHP research institute) and many others.